
Motor Vehicle Injuries
Soft-tissue injuries that can result from motor vehicle accidents may include: muscle stretch and tear in the neck, shoulder, upper and lower back; ligament and tendon injury, epicondylitis, and chest wall contusion.
Seat belt use has decreased mortality in automobile accidents, but as a result of increased seat belt use, there is a change in the nature of the soft-tissue injuries that result from automobile deceleration injury. Whiplash, or extension/flexion, is less common with modern head rests. Rather than the predominant problem resulting from extension of the neck, soft tissue injuries of the neck now more commonly result from FLEXION of the neck.
The forward flexion can injure the ligaments in the posterior neck, as a result of ripping forces that tear or avulse the posterior supporting ligaments of the cervical spine. The muscles of the neck are often stretched, and muscle spasm can result from the ligament tear, joint injury or as a primary result of the trauma.
The key to optimal pain relief is early detection of these injuries and early intervention. Failure to adequately treat these problems can result in chronic pain, chronic ligament weakness, instability and degeneration.